The Federation Council (Russian Совет Федерации ) is the upper house , which is a representation of the components of the Russian Federation . It consists of two representatives from each entity of the Federation.
Her powers are much more modest than the lower house . It deals with approval of the changes the boundaries between entities federation president decrees approval for the introduction of martial law and states of emergency , decides to use the armed forces of the Federation abroad. It also manages the presidential election . It has the right of legislative initiative .
For the Council of the Federation shall be selected by two representatives from each entity of the Federation, which gives the 166 members of the Council of 83 subjects (21 republics , 9 countries , 46 wards , 4 sites of autonomous , 1 autonomous region and 2 cities of federal importance ) . One of the representatives shall be elected by the legislative body of the Federation of the second element by the executive ( they are chosen from outside the legislative and executive bodies of the circle) . In these elections , the system of majority , and each voter votes for two candidates . Candidates put forward a group of voters , parties and party blocks . The second representative is delegated by the local executive authority or local government.
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